
What will harm your body if you take drugs

File Photo Taking drugs can have various harmful effects on your body. The specific consequences depend on the type of drug and the What will harm your body if you take drugs individual's response. Some potential harm includes damage to vital organs like the heart, liver, and kidneys, as well as negative impacts on the brain. Drugs can disrupt the normal functioning of your bodily systems, leading to addiction, impaired cognitive abilities, and mental health issues. Additionally, drug use may weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and diseases. It's always best to prioritize your well-being and seek healthier alternatives to harmful substances. If you have any concerns or questions about specific drugs, feel free to ask! Certainly! Here's some additional information on the potential harm that drugs can cause to your body: 1. Cardiovascular System: Certain drugs can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and the risk of heart disease. They ...

The story of the Atlantic Ocean

  File Photo  The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest ocean in the world, covering roughly 20% of the Earth's surface. It was named after the mythological Greek god, Atlas. The Atlantic Ocean started forming almost 200 million years ago when the supercontinent, Pangea, began to split apart. Over time, the ocean grew wider as the continents continued to drift apart. The Atlantic has played a significant role in human history, serving as a vital trade route for ships carrying goods and people from Europe to the Americas and vice versa. It has also been the site of many important events, such as Christopher Columbus's voyage to the Americas and the sinking of the Titanic. Today, the Atlantic Ocean remains an important part of our world, providing habitats for countless species of marine life and serving as a vital resource for fishing, shipping, and energy production. However, the ocean is facing many challenges, including pollution, overfishing, and climate change. It is import...

How to protect the environment

  File photo  Protecting the environment is crucial for the sustainability of our planet. One of the most important things you can do is reduce your carbon footprint by conserving energy and water. You can start by switching to energy-efficient light bulbs, unplugging electronics when not in use, and taking shorter showers. Additionally, it’s important to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Instead of throwing away items that can be reused or recycled, try to find ways to repurpose them. Another way to protect the environment is to use eco-friendly products. You can look for products made from sustainable materials, such as bamboo or recycled plastic, and avoid products that contain harmful chemicals. Lastly, spread awareness about the importance of environmental protection by educating others and participating in local initiatives. Small actions can make a big difference in protecting our planet for future generations. MD Mamun Talukder, 

একটি বাজপাখির দেশ পাড়ি দেওয়ার গল্প

  একটা বাজপাখি সাউথ-আফ্রিকা থেকে ফিনল্যান্ডে উড়ে যাওয়ার সময় তার শরীরে কিছু ইকুইপমেন্ট বসানো হয়, আর এই ছবিতে দেখা যাচ্ছে স্যাটেলাইট থেকে তার যাত্রাপথ। পাখিটি ৪২ দিনে এই ১০,০০০কিলোমিটার পথ উড়ে পারি দিয়েছে, গড়ে প্রতিদিন ২৩০ কিমি উড়েছে প্রায় সমান্তরালভাবে। স্যাটেলাইটে তার রুটে ভালোভাবে লক্ষ্য করলে দেখা যাবে, বড় জলাশয় বা সমুদ্র সামনে আসলে সে সেখান থেকে পথ পরিবর্তন করেছে যেন বিশ্রাম নিতে চাইলে স্থলভুমি পায়। আবার, মিশর-সুদানের মরুভূমিকেও পাশ কাটিয়ে গিয়েছে যেন তৃষ্ণা পেলে পানির অভাবে না পরতে হয়। কঠিন কঠিন এসব ম্যাপিং, রাউটিং, আল্টিটিঊড নলেজ সায়েন্টিস্টরা যুগের পর যুগ ধরে যেখানে ডেভেলপ করে, পাইলটদের এসব শিখতে যেখানে বছরের পর বছর লেগে যায়, এই ছোট্ট পাখিকে তাহলে কে শেখালো এতকিছু? আরও মজার কথা হল, হাই আল্টিটিঊডে উড়ার সময় এদের ১% এনার্জিও খরচ হয়না, শুধু ভেসে ভেসে, অনেক সময় ঘুমিয়ে ঘুমিয়েও এরা শত শত মাইল পাড়ি দিতে পারে।

Egyptian Pyramids

 File photo EGYPT History :  As of 2008, 138 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. [1] [2] Most of them were built during the reign of ancient and medieval pharaohs as tombs for them and their wives. [3] [4] Egypt's oldest pyramids have been discovered at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis . The oldest of these is the Pyramid of Djoser , built during the reign of the Third Dynasty (2630-2611 BC). The architect Imhotep designed the pyramid and the pyramid-adjacent square. It is generally considered to be the oldest smooth stone structure in the world. The most famous of the Egyptian pyramids is found in Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo . Several structures at Giza are considered to be among the largest in the world. [5] The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest of the Egyptian pyramids. Among the seven wonders of the ancient world, it is the only one still in existence.

Khagrachhari Park

  File pic Khagrachari: Khagrachari is a hilly district that is very different from other districts of the country due to its eye-catching beauty of nature. All tourist spots in the district are crowded throughout the year. One such spot is Horticulture Park. Which is also known as Zila Parishad Park to many. Located next to the entrance to Khagrachari town, Avasti Park is now one of the tourist attractions. Along with other tourist spots in the district, the park is also a natural beauty with lakes, mountains and hanging bridges. Tourists come to travel with their families to get rid of the fatigue of civilian life.   The park spread over an area of ​​about 22 acres and is situated between two hills is now a popular spot in the district. The park has artificial lake, love point, kids zone, hanging bridge, boating facilities in the lake. The entire park has been modernized keeping tourists in mind,

Football World Cup Match Qatar 2022 List

Football world Cup First Match : 20/11/2022 Stream Watch Tv.  Group - A Qatar            vs  Ecuador.  Netherland vs Senegal.  Group - B England     vs  Iran. USA             vs  Wales.  Fifa world Cup Match All file Download :